Ex-Situ Catalytic Upgrading of Spirulina Platensis Residue Oil Using Silica Alumina Catalyst

Siti jamilatun, Arief Budiman, Heny Anggorowati, Avido Yulistiawan, Yano Surya Pradana, Budhijanto Budhijanto, Rochmadi Rochmadi


This paper discusses the effect of rising temperatures pyrolysis and the use of silica-alumina catalysts located in a dedicated chamber to improve the quality of bio-oil in terms of O/C, H/C, HHV values, oxygenated, and aromatic compounds. Pyrolysis is carried out in a fixed-bed reactor consisting of two reactors in series with an inner diameter of 40 mm (2 mm of thickness) and a total length of 600 mm. The upper reactor (R1) is filled with the SPR sample and the lower reactor (R2) is for silica-alumina catalyst being in placed. Pyrolysis is conducted at a temperature range of 300−600 °C by using a heating rate of 5-35 °C/min produced by controlled electrical heating and in the presence of silica-alumina catalyst (10−40 wt.%). The gas produced from pyrolysis is condensed to obtain a liquid consisting of two layers, the top layer of bio-oil, and the bottom layer of the water phase. From GC-MS, the data on mass percentages of C, H, O, N, and S of each compound in bio-oil is obtained, besides its mass percentages of aromatic and oxygenate compounds. The results shows that the pyrolysis at fairly high temperature (300-600 ºC) without or with the catalyst, causes the increased values of H/C, HHV, and aromatic compound content, in contrast to the values of O/C and oxygenated compounds which is found decrease. Those respective increase are by 108.44, 34.20, and 54.32 %, conversely to the decrease value in O/C and compounds oxygenates of 54.98 and 65.86 %. The ex-situ catalytic by the use of silica-alumina catalysts (10-40 wt.%) seems to be an alternative method for obtaining the upgraded quality of bio-oil.



Catalytic upgrading; silica-alumina; oxygenate compounds; aromatic compounds.

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v9i4.10119.g7776


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