Impact Study of Smart Grid Technologies on Low Voltage Networks with High Penetration of Renewable Generation

Istvan Taczi, Balint Hartmann, Istvan Vokony


The evolution of technology brings many innovative use cases due to higher visibility and controllability in systems. The smart grid technologies have many advantages, while bringing integration and use case formulation challenges in the meanwhile. In this paper the effects of renewable generation, energy storage, controllable inverters and demand side management (and combinations of previous solutions) were analyzed to form operation and control based on real network information and conditions. Several scenarios are examined (weekdays/ weekend profiles), different penetrations of distributed generation were considered for a detailed analysis of network losses and voltage conditions on a low voltage network. Stochastic approach was used to handle the uncertainties of the elements. The contribution of the research is a smart grid technology comparison from a distribution system operator point of view to enhance the integration of renewable energy sources. Effective voltage control is feasible with inverter control from the distributed generation, however reactive power strategies does not suit the network with a high R/X ratio. Different scenarios showed that the storage and demand side management strategies must consider the locality for efficient operation.


Smart grid; Renewable integration; Energy storage; Demand side management; Inverter control

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