Wind Energy Infiltrated Multi-Area Power System: Optimized 2-DOF-FOPID Controller for LFC

Indrajit Koley, Asim Datta, Goutam Kumar Panda


The major concern for deviation of frequency in renewable energy penetrated power generating system is the intermittent nature of the inputs in addition to variable load demand. This paper investigates load frequency control (LFC) of a thermal-wind-thermal based hybrid power generating unit. A two-degree-of-freedom (2-DOF) fractional-order-proportional–integral–derivative (FOPID) controller is implemented to control the frequency of the proposed system. Cuckoo search algorithm (CSA) is applied to optimize the gains parameters of the proposed controller. The results obtained from the proposed CSA tuned 2-DOF-FOPID controller are compared with the traditionally well-known conventional controllers. MATLAB simulation shows that, compared to the conventional widely applied PI and PID controllers, the presented controller reveals superior response in terms of lesser transient time, less overshoot, wide robustness to limit the frequency deviation (FD) within the acceptable range considering integral square error (ISE) as an objective function.

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