A Mathematical Approach to Analyse Factors Influencing Adoption of Solar Based Power Production in Residential Buildings in Tamilnadu State of India

Praveen Paul Jeyapaul


The objective of this research paper is to find out the important factors influencing the adoption of solar photo voltaic system for individual households and to find out if there is any difference in the adoption of solar photo voltaic system (SPVS) among the households with differing income levels, and their place of residence namely rural and urban place. Further, TOPSIS is applied for ranking the groups of households based on the influencing factors. Data was collected from respondents in rural and urban areas, living in own and rented houses. Respondents also represented various income strata. It is found that people with higher income levels are generally more open to the idea of adopting SPVS and people living in rented houses are less likely to adopt SPVS compared to those living in own houses whether in urban or rural areas. The outcome of TOPSIS shows that the respondents with high income, residing in their own houses in urban areas are ranked first in the willingness to adopt SPVS.


Solar photo voltaic system adoption, Roof top solar, TOPSIS , Domicile, Household income, Own and Rented house

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v10i2.10682.g7923


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