Enhancing the Maximum Power Extraction in Partially Shaded PV Arrays using Hybrid Salp Swarm Perturb and Observe Algorithm

V. BALAJI, A.Peer Fathima


Partial shading is a common problem faced by photovoltaic (PV) modules installed in domestic areas. During shaded condition, the power voltage (P-V) characteristics of the PV array consist of many local power peaks and a global power peak (GPP). Out of the many maximum power tracking algorithms, the perturb and observe (PO) is considered as the simplest algorithm. However, PO fails in tracking maximum power during shaded condition, as it can track only a single power peak. In this proposed work, additional support to PO algorithm is given by combining it to a metaheuristic salp swarm (SS) algorithm. Thus, a hybrid salp swarm perturb and observe (SSPO) algorithm is proposed in this paper, wherein the SS algorithm is used to locate the approximate GPP and PO is utilized to find the exact global power. The proposed algorithm can track the exact power during uniform and partial shaded condition. The SSPO is tested under steady state and dynamic conditions using MATLAB/Simulink. The obtained results are compared with the SS and PO algorithm and it shows that SSPO can track the maximum power in all the conditions with 99 % efficiency and faster tracking time.


Energy; solar energy; renewable energy; green energy electrical engineering

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v10i2.10815.g7956


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