A Review on Two-Stage Back End DC-DC Converters in On-Board Battery Charger for Electric Vehicle

Dhanalakshmi Ramani, P. Usha Rani, P. Usha Rani


Development in the area of Power Electronics leads to a drastic change in transportation from conventional fuel-based vehicles to Electric vehicles. Due to the adverse effects of conventional transportation to the environment, eco-friendly transportation like e-transportation becomes necessary. In e-transportation battery and its charging system plays a major role. The battery charger can be broadly classified into the on-board charger (OBC) and off-board charger. OBC’s can be further branched into a single stage (AC-DC) converter and two-stage (AC-DC & DC-DC) converter. Due to the limitations of the single-stage converter, two-stage topology becomes more popular. Two-stage topology exists with the front end Power Factor Correction (PFC) stage and back end DC-DC regulating stage. Achieving high power quality and regulation is essential for the battery charger. In this paper, an examination of various topologies of the back end two-stage DC-DC converter with isolated and non-isolated configurations in OBC is done with a brief comparison.


Dual Active Bridge; On-Board Charger; Power Factor Correction; Phase Shifted Full Bridge; Triple Active Bridge

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v10i4.11181.g8054


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