Analysis the Impact of Renewable Energy Based-Wind Farms Installed with Electrical Power Generation System on Reliability Assessment

Aiman Abdel Kader Tawfiq, Mohamed Abedel-Raouf, Amal Abdel Gawad, Mohamed Farahat


- Regard to the vast growing technologies in the use of wind turbines and wind farms as a renewable energy source, many searches had been proved its good impact on electrical transmission systems performance regarding congestion, power losses, voltage stability, and voltage profiles. This paper aims to study the effect of the connection of wind farms to the power system from the view of reliability and evaluates all the states of different generation’s probabilities for the power systems. The proposed method used both block diagrams and the Markov chain techniques to assess the whole generation system reliability, the generation buses reliabilities, the states of generation probabilities, the frequency and mean duration of generation failure states, and the capacities of generation's system that are in or out of service for each failure state. Also, it is assessed the system reliability, reliability indices, and analyzed the impact of forced outage rate for each wind turbine and the number of used wind turbines in each wind farm. MATLAB code is developed using Markov chain construction. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through an updated version of IEEE_RTS_24_node with installed six wind farms (IEEE_UV_EPS_24_bus_6_WFs). Each wind farm has power capacity of 200 MW.


Block diagrams; Electrical power system; Markov chain; Probability failure states; Reliability evaluation; Wind farms.

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