A Review of the Impact Factors on Renewable Energy Policy-Making Framework Based on Sustainable Development

Mohammad Hossein Bamzadeh, Hassan Meyar-Naimi, Mohammad Hassan Moradi


One of the critical challenges and issues of today's societies is disrupting the order of the environment, then getting the environment out of balancing; consequently, the degradation and increasing pollution of the world's remaining environmental resources. However, humans have long influenced the environment and interacting with the environment; the effects that humans have placed on the environment have consistently included negative trends. Besides, the ever-increasing human energy needs and using fossil plants and fuels have intensified environmental harm. Furthermore, if these resources are exploited without observing any considerations, man's future will be amid ambiguity and destruction. Therefore, given the importance and necessity of achieving sustainable electrical energy production, developing social goals, preserving the environment, and promoting the country's development goals, it requires an algorithm for governmental and nongovernmental policymakers so that they can recognize the process of policy-making over time and consider their interactions each other; Thus, the purpose of this paper is to review the evaluation of the affecting renewable energies factors on Sustainable Development (SD) for decision-makers, in order to reduce environmental, social and economic issues and achieve sustainable energy within the framework of sustainable development objectives.


Renewable Energy; Sustainability; Environment Issues; Social Issues; Economic Issues.

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v11i1.11768.g8162


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