Assessment of Optimum Installation and Power Injection Parameters for a Bifacial Rooftop System

Charles Rajesh Kumar. J, Sujay Mhaske, Akshay Lenze, Jyotirmay Brahma, Akshay Wadgaonkar, Vijay Kanneganti, Vinod Kumar. D, M.A. Majid


Bifacial Photovoltaics has gained significant traction in recent years due to a combination of superior radiation capture capabilities and reducing costs. This study builds on a prior 1.07 MW (DC) solar system analysis for Effat University Campus in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, by adding a Bifacial system. The paper describes a modeling methodology focusing on critical parameters that affect bifacial gains, such as the solar system's tilt angle, surface albedo, and shading. The results have been summarized as sensitivities to changes in input variables such as the surface albedo with ceteris paribus assumption. This case study showed a change in surface albedo to increase the specific production from 1771 kWh/kW to 1829 kWh/kW suggesting an increase in bifacial gain of more than 3%.


Renewable Energy , Solar Energy, Bifacial PV

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