A contribution to the investigations of wind power to hydrogen along the Mauritanian coast

Sid'Ahmed Mohamed Amar Dhaya, Abdelkader Beyoud


The contribution to the investigations of the Wind-Power-to-Hydrogen (WP2H) potential is encouraging Mauritania to join the world of power to X. The aim is the economic profitability for a system of wind turbines coupled to a hydrogen electrolyzer. The country’s coastal regions are very windy but disturbed by the movements of the dunes during the year. The latter has a roughness from north to south that goes from class four to class one, and the wind potential goes from excellent to very moderate. So the geographical conditions are added to the climatological conditions to motivate the present work. The wind data used come from Merra-data satellites, verified and compared with those measured on the ground by the national meteorological office for ten years. In the last step

of the analysis, the commercial costs involved in producing H2 are presented, by assessing the economic indicators kies LCO(Eol) and the LCO(Elz). So,the satellite time-series data set has shown a tolerable average deviation. Besides, the Proportionality of the commercial hydrogen conversion cost with wind power cost is the apparent characteristic. Despite the disturbed of the dunes’ movement in the coastal northern regions, wind-power-to-producing is estimated at around 3.59 $/kgH2, whereas the south assessed at 6.78 $/Kg H2. This study’s results may encourage the Mauritanian government to invest in this project, leading to an excellent economic take-off




Wind speed, Wind Power, Electrolyzer, Hydrogen production, Windographer, Levelized cost of electricity, Levelized cost of hydrogen.

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v11i2.12018.g8220


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