Optimal allocation of Multiple Distributed Generators and Shunt Capacitors in a Distribution System using Political Optimization Algorithm

Nagaraju Dharavat, SURESH KUMAR SUDABATTULA, Suresh Velamuri


To meet the increasing real & reactive power demand of a distribution system (DS), it is essential to allocate the Distributed Generators (DGs) and Shunt capacitors (SCs) optimally. In this article, multiple DGs and SCs are allocated simultaneously in the DS aiming minimal power loss (PL), improved voltage stability index (VSI) and voltage profile of the system. A combined approach considering loss sensitivity factor (LSF) and political optimization algorithm (POA) is proposed to solve the allocation and sizing of DGs and SCs. The analysis is performed on an IEEE 33 bus system considering 9 different scenarios and results are compared with other Meta heuristic techniques. The analysis is extended for a 24 hour case study to prove the efficacy of the proposed combined approach. From all the performed simulations it can be observed that the combined approach helps in minimizing power loss and improving voltage profile and VSI for dynamic load variations effectively.


Political Optimization algorithm (POA); Distributed Generators (DGs); Distribution System (DS); Shunt Capacitors (SCs); Power Loss (PL); Voltage Stability Index (VSI); Loss Sensitivity Factor ( LSF)

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v11i4.12240.g8364


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