An imperative Role of the Puzzle Oriented Partially Shaded PV Modules Over the Conventional Configurations: A Comprehensive Perspective

Deepak Kumar, Devendra Rawat, DEEPAK KUMAR


Dwelling upon the exploitation of solar energy is an excellent choice, but at the same time , its subsisting limitations can not be overlooked. Partial shading is one of the major concerns that exhibits multiple peaks, due to mismatch losses(MML), in the electrical characteristics of solar photo-voltaic (PV). The presented paper, therefore, is an attempt to systematically investigate the performance of existing static and dynamic configurations (whether simulation or experimental based) of photovoltaic array. The observations and analysis is carried out in terms of optimal interconnection by puzzle based re-configurations with respect to traditional techniques facing drawbacks due to ineffective shade dispersion. Alternative puzzle based approaches are identified and taxonomized according to their attribute towards ease of use, applicability, durability and reliance. An endeavor is made to recognize the current trends of accelerated growth in the field of solar photovoltaic and the seeds of rejuvenated possibilities are sown to hope for fertile ground of future research.

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