An Extensive Review on Fault Detection and Fault-tolerant Control of Multilevel Inverter with Applications
Multi-level inverters (MLI’s) breakthrough in the current industrial market for various high power and high voltage applications mold the energy needs with renewable energy resources. Despite MLI’s numerous advantages, their function is limited owing to heat and electrical stresses in power electronic components. In this study, a detailed state-of-the-art assessment of fault detection (FD) and fault tolerant control (FTC) systems is presented, along with the most recent developments and applications to assure the reliability of the multilevel inverter. A quick and accurate fault detection method necessitates a reliable and robust operation. This review systematically evaluates the various faults and investigates the challenges associated with the switching scheme and harmonic control techniques for multilevel inverters. Further, this study envisioned the numerous fault detection methods available for MLI systems and addresses all the major types of faults and compare the several soft computing techniques with an emphasis on its diagnostic accuracy. Also, a comprehensive analysis of the different types of FTC methods based on the additional component requirement, challenges, and solutions are elaborated. The final part of this paper discusses the prospective future trends and research scopes on detecting and mitigating faults to enhance the reliability of the multilevel inverters.
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