Modified Rotor Flux Estimated Direct Torque Control for Double Fed Induction Generator

Mihir Mehta, Dr. Bhinal Mehta


The paper deals with an essential approach, Direct Torque Control (DTC) that can control the torque of induction machine-based wind turbine generating systems. As the penetration of renewable energy sources is increasing abundantly, various system operators are implementing stringent grid codes globally. Power quality and harmonics are some of the most important grid codes and the proposed control aims to help in the area by providing a decoupled control of torque and flux. The main disadvantage of conventional DTC is high torque and flux ripples. The paper contends a DTC control scheme using fractional order PID controller (FPID) implemented on double-fed induction machine (DFIM) based wind turbine generating systems. Proposed control logic conjectures rotor flux and electromagnetic torque based on rotor voltage, current, and speed measurements as inputs. This paper unfurls the results validated using MATLAB Simulink for active and reactive power, DC link voltage, line current, and electromagnetic torque.



DFIG; DTC; FPID; Active Power Control; Reactive Power Control

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