Random search optimization algorithm based control of supercapacitor integrated with solar photovoltaic system under climate conditions

I. Hamdan, Amira Maghraby, Omar Noureldeen


This paper presents an optimized the control scheme of supercapacitor (SC) in grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system by random search algorithm (RSA) under the climate conditions. The system model is consisted of 2.5 MW PV arrays generation, DC-DC converter, grid side inverter and integration with utility grid. SC is investigated with DC link of system through a bidirectional buck-boost converter circuit. The validity of SC power control unit using RSA presents a clear enhancement in system stability during variable weather conditions.  The studied control design scheme is an efficient in reducing the power fluctuation under transient conditions. In addition, the optimization of SC control unit is achieved to improve its objective for damping out the oscillations and dynamic response. The RSA is categorized to optimize Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) SC controller to enhance its reliability during variation of climate conditions for charging and discharging modes.  The simulation results were obtained for different cases such as without SC, with SC, and with optimized SC together in the conditions of various irradiations and temperatures. Also, the results showed that the optimization of SC control system could significantly improve the DC voltage stability, the active power stability, and the reactive power stability of the PV studied system. The proposed system model and the control strategy is confirmed and simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. Furthermore, the validity of the proposed technique is described by comparing the results.


Photovoltaic System (PVS), Supercapacitor (SC), Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller, Power Control, Random Search Algorithm (RSA) optimization.

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i2.12616.g8479


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