Hydrogen Sulphide removal from biogas: A review of the upgrading techniques and mechanisms involved

Pardon Nyamukamba, Patrick Mukumba, Evernice Shelter Chikukwa, Golden Makaka


The production of biogas through anaerobic digestion may play an important in the economy due to the opportunity to produce renewable energy from organic waste material. Raw biogas comprises of methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and small quantities of other gases which include hydrogen sulphide (H2S). The presence of H2S in biogas makes it ineffective for heating and lighting hence, its removal in biogas upgrading to biomethane is crucial. Due to its corrosive nature and contribution to the greenhouse gas emissions, innovation and efficient strategies for H2S removal are required so that the quality of biogas can be improved for sustainability and economic growth. The removal of H2S is important as far as biogas upgrading is concerned so as to prevent operational hazards and protect the environment, hence the strategies for its removal for effective and eco-friendly use of biogas are the focus of this review. The effects of its presence in biogas and proposed mechanisms involved in its removal are also presented and discussed.


biogas; digesters; anaerobic digestion; hydrogen sulphide; mechanisms

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i1.12668.g8444


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