A Qualitative Investigation on Multiport Converters for Renewable Energy Sourced DC Loads

M. R. Faridha Banu, R. Jayapragash


The global consumption of electrical energy is increasing, as is the demand for power generation. As a result, investment in alternative energy sources is becoming increasingly important nowadays. Renewable energy systems are quite unpredictable, and so they include both solar panels/wind turbines and batteries to smooth out variations in power generation. Solar PV systems have recently received a lot of attention due to the fact that they are more scalable, cost competitive, environmentally friendly, and safe renewable conversion. Solar energy conversion system involves combination of unidirectional and bidirectional converters. These converters have a greater number of magnetic components resulting in increased system complexity and cost. Hence to cover up the disadvantages of conventional power electronics converter, Multiport converters are introduced. As the name suggest multiport converters have many input ports and single output port. These converters are obtained by integrating multiple conventional converters. This paper presents a synoptic review of multiport converters for renewable energy applications.


Multiport Converter; Photovoltaic Source; Battery Energy Storage; Maximum Power Point Tracking; DC Load

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i2.12926.g8499


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