A Comprehensive Review on Design aspects and Performance Characteristics of Solar Parabolic Trough Collector
Parabolic trough collector is being widely used for harnessing the abundantly available solar energy for thermal and electrical applications. Parabolic trough collector system concentrates solar radiation using a parabolic trough/curved shaped mirror throughout the line of focus where heat absorber tube is placed from which heat transfer fluid is circulated and temperature of Heat Transfer Fluid be increased. Parabolic trough collector's essential geometrical dimensions are discussed for estimating size and material requirement for initial design and fabrication phase. Present review paper also includes structure of collector,reflector,receiver, Heat transfer fluid, Sun tracking system and Thermal enrgy storage. This review paper incorporates researchers work on thermal efficiency enhancement using base thermic fluids like water,synthetic oils, molten salts,mineral oil etc and benefits of addition of nanoparticles (Copper,Copper oxide, Aluminium oxide, Graphene oxide, SWNCT-single wall carbon nano tubes, MWCNT-multi wall carbon nanotubes and Sic-silicon carbide etc) with base fluid. Therefore selecting right design to develop such collector with highest achievable performance with fewer or zero complication, it is important to study all the components in details. The performance factors (Geometrical, optical and thermal), design modifications, component alterations by brief study of different researchers and attempts to illustrate crucial parameters that drive performance efficiency of PTC system are discussed thoroughly in this review. The paper reveals that Solar Parabolic Trough collector is the most promising concentrated solar power technology for satisfying medium and large scale industrial thermal energy requirement.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i3.12999.g8541
Online ISSN: 1309-0127
Publisher: Gazi University
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