Automatic generation control of three area hybrid power system by sine cosine optimized dual mode fractional order controller



Around the world, a radical change in power generation technology is taking place. As a result, traditional energy sources are being transformed with reliable renewable energy sources and Distributed Generation sources. Combining these different generations improves the system's efficiency, but frequency fluctuation will be more frequent than in the traditional system due to their volatile generation. In this article, an efficient and simple dual-mode fractional order controller (SDMFOPI) tuned using a sine cosine optimization algorithm is proposed and tested in three area hybrid power system (TAHPS) with superconducting magnetic energy storage to subdue the frequency fluctuation problem. The proposed SDMFOPI controller is more robust as it provides more space for tuning the parameters of the controller.  To manifest its potency, it is furthermore compared with various controllers such as conventional Proportional integral controller, sine cosine algorithm tuned fractional proportional-integral controller, and SCO algorithm tuned dual-mode proportional-integral controller. Moreover, different case studies were carried out along with sensitivity analysis for the TAHPS. From the obtained result, it is evident that the proposed controller is more efficient and fit for the frequency regulation of the TAHPS.


Load frequency control; Superconducting magnetic energy storage; Dual-mode scheme; Sine cosine Optimization Algorithm; Three-area hybrid power system.

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