Optimal Integration of Distributed Generators (DGs) Shunt Capacitors (SCs) and Electric Vehicles (EVs) in a Distribution System (DS) using Marine Predator Algorithm



In this paper, a combined approach based on voltage stability index (VSI) and Marine predators algorithm (MPA) is proposed to solve the problem of distributed generators (DGs), Shunt Capacitors (SCs) and Electric Vehicles (EVs) allocation in the distribution system (DS). Further, the objective of this method is to minimize power loss (PLoss) and enhance the voltage profile of the DS. Also, the developed method is tested on practical 83 bus Taiwan DS. The static and dynamic load variations are considered to study the performance. EV charging and discharging patterns are considered to check the performance of DS. Different cases such as single DG, multiple DGs, and the combination of DGs plus SCs,  DGs plus EVs are considered to check the method’s effectiveness. Finally, the results related to grid vehicle (G2V),  vehicle to grid (V2G), conventional charging and optimized charging are projected. The suggested MPA with DA, GOA and WOA methods are thoroughly compared under various DS operating circumstances. The obtained results verified that proper placement of DGs and effective charging strategies for EVs reduce the PLoss to a considerable extent.

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i3.13230.g8550


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