Whose Development Counts? Adoption of Biogas in the Rural Communities of India- A Review

Tapas Bagdi, Sreya Ghosh, Anuradha Sarkar, Amit Kumar Hazra, Srinivasan Balachandran, Shibani Chaudhury


In developing countries like India, biogas technology is a clean and sustainable renewable energy for rural people. The Government of India encourages and supports disadvantaged groups of people in rural areas by launching various schemes to construct biogas plants to fulfil their energy needs and reduce energy poverty at a very low cost. Caste-based inequalities are one of the major social factors, especially in rural areas leading to low biogas utilization. This paper highlights the Indian scenario with 2000 households from the various districts of West Bengal, exploring the caste-based inequalities over the access of utilization of biogas plants. Analysis was performed on the access and utilization of biogas by different castes. The results demonstrate that the general caste households have adopted 60% of biogas plant and have controlled over the biogas than the marginalized or underprivileged caste of the society. The study found that needy and disadvantaged groups are deprived for several socio-economic barriers of the access and utilization of biogas due to a lack of consideration of caste inequalities. The households belonging to scheduled caste and scheduled tribe communities have poorer access to biogas energy than the general caste. The higher caste people benefitted more by accessing biogas energy, whereas lower caste people still lack access to modern energy like biogas. It also exposes that caste inequalities still dominate the access to modern energy in the society of developing countries. 


Caste, underprivileged or marginalized, social group, inequalities, biogas

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i4.13451.g8561


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