Maintaining System Stability with High Penetration of Wind energy via Fault Ride Through (FRT) Criteria development (System Operator Perspective)

Mohamed Attia Elsharnoby, Sayed hosni El-Banna, Dalal Hussein Helmi


With the swift expansion of using renewable energies especially wind parks and its integration in the current transmission systems. The challenges that face the electric system are becoming an interest. These challenges represent in the  stability and reliability of power system due to suddenly cutting off wind energy from the system which require setting robust grid requirements. Modern grid codes oblige wind generators’ manufacturers and operators to make a technology with special control (ride through disturbances) in order to minimize the disconnecting of huge generation power due to transient disturbances. One of the most substantial grid incorporation requirements for the wind energy is a fault ride through (FRT). Until lately, the concentration was for the sake of the evolution of various wind turbine generator technologies to promote the FRT capabilities of wind parks without transmission system characteristics taking into consideration (e.g. contingences, current protection schemes, system configurations…etc). This paper presents studying development FRT criteria according to the characteristics of the Egyptian case under study for any wind parks intending to be link with high voltage transmission grid, also the effects on various types of protection due to the high penetration of wind energy according to the kind of wind generator's technology. Dynamic studies on Egyptian Case modeling have been done which has a particular nature that wind resources are highly concentrated in a specific region and no traditional power plants exist in such specific region, also, the wind parks are interconnected to the load by a long transmission line. Aggregated modeling of diverse wind generators  technology in wind parks with studying various scenarios of disturbances has been done. The simulation DIgSILENT_Power Factory software has been used to achieve the goal of the study.


FRT, Wind Energy, S.C analysis, DIgSILENT_Power Factory, Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG), FSIG

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Publisher: Gazi University

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