Effect of Froude Number on Three-Bladed Archimedes Screw Turbine Efficiency
Abstract- Fluid flow on Archimedes screw turbine is a flow with a free surface. Froude Number is utilized for this free surface flow. Efficiency of screw turbine is influenced by geometric and flow losses. The aim of this experimental study is to recognize flow phenomenon among blades of screw turbine, which have connected to the effect of the Froude Number to efficiency. Observed parameters are varied in inlet flow as                        a characteristic length (y), inflow velocity (c0), and the turbine shaft declivity (α). The model of screw turbine is made in laboratory scale with acrylic. The geometric shape of three-bladed have seven screws, number of helix turns are 21, thread angle of 300, the radius ratio of 0.54 with a pitch of 2.4R0. The result of this study is if the Froude Number increase then the vortex is formed among the blades, therefore efficiency decrease. The highest efficiency is 89 %, it occurs in 250 of turbine shaft declivity and 0.15 of Froude Numbers, respectively..
Keywords- Screw turbines, Froude Number, vortex, efficiency.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v6i3.4306.g6899
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Publisher: Gazi University
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