Implementation of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems to Compensate Microgrid Instability in the Presence of Constant Power Loads

Eklas Hossain, Ron Perez, Ramazan Bayindir


Microgrid systems have been adopted globally to implement the renewable energy-based electrification, but the CPL has caused instability issues. To improve the stability of the microgrid system, a virtual impedance-based load side compensation technique is used. In this paper, to implement this storage-based compensation technique, the hybrid energy storage system (HESS), with a battery unit as well as ultracapacitor unit, is introduced to reduce the deficiency in the case of using either battery-only or ultracapacitor-only storage system and offer the combined features with higher energy and higher power density. Here, the storage will provide high power density with quick charging/discharging time and the ultracapacitor will compensate the transient demand for a short period of time; therefore compensating the required power by the combined features of its constituents. Besides HESS is operated by a simple implementable algorithm, it improves overall efficiency, cost effectiveness, life span; reduce the energy storage size and stress on the battery. To verify the performance of the proposed system, necessary results performed at Matlab/Simulink platform are presented in this paper.


Hybrid Energy Storage System; Constant Power Load; Energy Management Algorithm; Microgrid; Load Side Compensation

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Eklas Hossain, Ron Perez, and Ramazan Bayindir, “Implementation of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems to Compensate Microgrid Instability in the Presence of Constant Power Loadsâ€, Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), 2016 International Conference on, Accepted.



Online ISSN: 1309-0127

Publisher: Gazi University

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