Simulation and Comparison of Helical and Straight-bladed Hydrokinetic Turbines
In this article simulation analyses have been performed using computational fluid dynamics techniques to investigate the performance of helical and straight-bladed cross flow hydrokinetic turbines with a horizontal layout and similar dimensions. The length and diameter and the type of the hydrofoil of both turbines are selected to be the same. A symmetrical NACA hydrofoil has been used in blade design for both turbines. The simulation analyses were performed for a 2-D NACA0018 hydrofoil and 3-D four bladed turbines. The skewness coefficient and the orthogonal quality tests have been dependent as statistical tools to examine the quality of the mesh for all models. The obtained results have shown that the helical turbine reaches the stall condition at the tip-speed ratio (TSR) of 3.75, while the straight-bladed turbine stops converting energy at 3.1. The highest power coefficient for the helical turbine was about 0.37, while it was found to be around 0.29 for the straight-bladed turbine. These results demonstrate that a helical turbine of 1.5 m in length and 1 m in diameter is more efficient than the same-sized straight-bladed turbine under the same flow conditions.Â
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