Enhancement of Power Quality in Wind Power Distribution System by using Hybrid PSO-Firefly based DSTATCOM
Electricity generation, electric power transmission and final distribution to an electricity meter are some of the processes performed in the industry of electric power. Power quality is an important factor to show the wellness of electric power. Due to the changing behavior of power generation in wind systems, more power quality issues may occur. This paper presents the simulation and analysis of Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator for voltage sag mitigation, harmonic distortion and power factor improvement using the control strategy named hybrid PSO-Firefly algorithm. The hybrid control strategy effectively enhances the performances of Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator in order to provide the faster and dynamic response. By utilizing the novel control strategy the compensation in the proposed work was completely admirable when compared with the existing techniques like proportional integral and derivative controller and proportional integral and derivative-particle swarm optimization control. The reduction of harmonics achieved to a lower percentage as 1.216 in the proposed work. The operation of simulated control method for Distribution Static Synchronous Compensator is performed in MATLAB SIMULINK.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v8i2.7002.g7400
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Publisher: Gazi University
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