Simulation and Performance Comparison of Si and SiC Based on a Proposed H6 Inverter for PV Grid-tied Applications

Fahad ALMASOUDI, Mahesh Manandhar, Mohammad Matin


Multilevel transformerless inverters are widely employed in PV grid-tied applications because of their significant benefits in reducing switching losses and enhancing system efficiency. Wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductor devices such as SiC MOSFETs can increase the system performance and reduce the total losses due to their superior features over Si switching devices. This paper investigates a three level transformerless inverter based on H6 topology. The proposed topology is implemented with SiC MOSFETs and a modulation approach is adopted to reduce the number of conducting switches. Also, a detailed comparison of the use of SiC and Si switching devices in terms of switching and conduction losses, high switching frequency operation, filter size reduction, and thermal analysis and heat sink volume is presented. Simulation results show that total conduction and switching losses are reduced by about 50%, which allow a significant increase in either the switching frequency or the inverter power rating level for the same switching device losses. Additionally, operating at higher switching frequencies using SiC MOSFET leads to a significant reduction in volume and weight of the inductor filter. Furthermore, a thermal analysis is performed using COMSOL software to investigate the heat sink requirement.


Wide Bandgap (WBG); SiC MOSFET; photovoltaic (PV); transformerless inverter; leakage current; common mode voltage.

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