Solar Residential Rooftop Systems (SRRS) in South Delhi : A Strategic Study with Focus on Potential Consumers' Awareness

AKHIL SARIN, Dr. Rahul Gupta, Dr. Vishwajeet V. Jituri


Delhi, the capital of India is receiving 89 per cent of its power from thermal power plants. Due to rapid depletion of fossil fuels and environment pollution, government introduced Delhi Solar Energy Policy. The objective of the policy is to shift from thermal to solar power generation through installation of 2GW of solar rooftop systems by FY25. Accordingly, there is potential of producing 49 per cent of solar power through Solar Residential Rooftop Systems (SRRS). For achieving this, there is need of synergy between two major stakeholders i.e. government and potential consumers (owners of residential units). The major provision of the policy is to provide financial subsidies, technical support and generation based incentives to encourage residential roof owners for the installations of SRRS. Still the installations of SRRS are dismally low. Apart from the formulation of policy; the awareness factor plays pivotal role enabling roof owners to take informed quality decision. The main contribution of this research paper is to explore the awareness levels of potential consumers for the SRRS as well as about government subsidies towards SRRS installations. The average awareness score on a scale of 1 to 5 about SRRS has been found significantly low i.e. 1.99. This study revealed that there was no relationship between awareness level and demographic profile of respondents. The awareness of people towards government subsidy has also been found quite low. In view of the research outcomes, there is need to disseminate information (through strategic advocacy) about government incentives and SRRS, among residential owners for achieving the targets of the policy.


Solar Energy; Solar Residential Rooftop Systems (SRRS); Consumer Awareness; Renewable Energy; Solar Policy

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