Frequency Separation Model Based on Infinite-Impulse Response Filter Applied To Hybrid Power Generation Intended For Residential Sector

Safa Slouma, Sondes Skander-Mustapha, Ilhem Slama-Belkhodja, Mohamed Machmoum


This paper presents an optimal energy management system by means of frequency separation control, applied to an autonomous hybrid power generation intended for residential sector. Studied system is integrating photovoltaic and wind energy systems as main sources, and fuel cell stack as an auxiliary source. This residential hybrid power system is also including battery to support fast and large power demand fluctuation in order to preserve the fuel cell reliability and to enhance its lifetime. The models of the photovoltaic, wind, battery, fuel cell systems and the control strategy are carried out under MATLAB/SIMULINK. To display the performance of the studied energy management system, many scenarios are designed, in which the wind speed, the irradiance intensity and the load demand change over time. Simulation results illustrate the efficiency of the considered energy management system. The proposed strategy is validated experimentally in a lab-scale prototype. Experimental results are then presented to confirm the whole system performance and to verify the proposed controller efficiency.


Energy management system; frequency separation; autonomous hybrid system; Fuel Cell; battery

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