Implementation Quasi Z-Source Inverter for PV Applications Based on Finite Control Set-Model Predictive Control

Mohamed Ali Ismeil, Abualkasim Bakeer, Mohamed Orabi


This paper presents a model predictive control with a class of finite control set to harvest the maximum possible amount of energy from the Photovoltaic (PV) system as a renewable energy resource. The utilized topology is based on the quasi Z-Source Inverter due to its clear merits such as the higher reliability as well as the bucking-boosting functionality. The algorithm of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) generates the reference values for the current in an inductor that is the Influential factor in selecting an action state of shoot-through that adjusts the inverter to operate at MPP. Then, the obtained power from PV modules is transferred to the standalone RL load over current mode control. Here, sensorless technique is used to observe the inductor current to decrease the cost and complexity of the control design.  The efficient of the proposed technique is proved with the detailed theoretical analysis. The simulation results are introduced based on the MATLAB software package. Also, the proposed controller has been experimentally demonstrated on a laboratory set-up using TMS320F28335 series Digital Signal Processors (DSP).


Photovoltaic (PV) System; quasi Z-source Inverter (qZSI); Finite Control Set- Model Predictive Control (FCS-MPC).

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