Experimental Investigation of Performance of a Small Scale Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Rotor Blade

R. Supreeth, A Arokkiaswamy, J Nagarjun Raikar, H P Prajwal


Experimental testing of a scaled-down rotor blade for a 2kW small scale HAWT is the forefront of the present research work. To facilitate the objectives, a rotor blade for a 2kW HAWT has been analytically designed employing the iterative Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT). For the ease of manufacturing, the linearized blade obtained through the BEM theory is fabricated and subsequently, its performance is evaluated at wind velocities V=1-20m/s and TSR=1-20. The performance parameter defined by coefficient of power Cp is considered for appraising and comparing the performance of the analytical and the experimental scaled-down versions of the blade. At the design conditions, the coefficient of power Cp for the blade was calculated to be Cp=0.40. Further, appropriate scaling laws have been incorporated to scale down the original blade to retrofit to an existing wind turbine generator. Performance of the blade was examined at the prescribed wind velocities V and TSR λ. The experimental outcomes depicted a Cp trend for the scaled-down model to be similar to the actual model. At design conditions, the experimental results rendered a maximum CP=0.380 for the scaled-down model with an error of around 6%. However, the investigation showed that the CP for the scaled-down model was aligned with the actual model. The error in Cp of the analytical and scaled-down models are deemed due to the ignorance of hub losses, 3-Dimensional flow effects and unsteady aerodynamic effects in the study.


Renewable Energy, Wind Energy

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v9i4.9898.g7804


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