Assessment and Damping of Low Frequency Oscillations in Hybrid Power System Due to Random Renewable Penetrations by Optimal FACTS Controllers

Narayan Nahak, Sankalpa Bohidar, Ranjan Kumar Mallick


This paper presents a detail investigation on low frequency oscillations of a variable solar and wind penetrated power system. An optimized UPFC controller is proposed for damping low frequency oscillations to enhance small signal stability of such a power system. The modulation index of series converter and phase angle of shunt converters are controlled simultaneously in proposed UPFC controller there by incorporating the advantage of SSSC and STATCOM. The squirrel search algorithm (SSA) is proposed for tuning controller gains. The proposed UPFC controller has been compared with SSSC and STATCOM controllers to damp oscillations. Random variation of SPV, wind energy and their integration with varying synchronous generations has been considered in this work. It has been observed that increasing solar, variable wind and their interaction with variable synchronous power generation put more detrimental effect on low frequency power system oscillations. The detail time domain simulation and system eigen values predicted that proposed controller is able to damp these oscillations much efficiently for enhancing stability of such a critical power system.


Low frequency oscillations:solar photo voltaic: wind power source:UPFC:SSSC: STATCOM

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