Optimization of the Wind Farm Layout by Repowering the old Wind Farm and integrating Solar Power Plants: A Case Study

Boopathi Kadhirvel, S. Ramaswamy, V. Kirubaharan, J. Bastin, A. ShobanaDevi, P. Kanagavel, K. Balaraman


In Tamil Nadu, India, most wind farms established in the early 2000s have reached the end of their expected useful life. These turbines are occupied potentially rich regions, and therefore they need to be dismantled or repowered. These are implanted in 5Dx 7D configuration, and large tracts of underutilized land lie between them. Repowering old turbines and placing solar power plants on the underused land between them will help optimize the use of applicable land, natural resources. The primary purpose of this study is to support the sustainable increase in wind power generation via the repowering of the old wind turbines. A 6 MW old wind farm in Kayathar, Tuticorin District, Tamil Nadu, was chosen as the region of concern in this study. Based on data from the period January 2016 to December 2016, an average annual wind speed of 6.92 m /s at 120 meters height and an annual GHI of 4.92-5.21 kWh/m2/day were observed. Energy estimates were carried out using WAsP and PVSyst software. The analytical data show that when modern wind turbines replaced with old wind turbines with a larger capacity, overall electricity generation increased from 3.50GWh to 40GWh at P90 confidence level with a repowering capacity ratio of 1:1.25 to 1:3 times and an energy yield ratio between 1:1.61 and 1:7.82 times. The combined repowered wind turbines with the integrated solar power system demonstrated significant improvement in the annual energy production in the range of 38-76 GWh/year, reflecting use of hybrid power as a reliable source.


Wind Energy; Repowering; Solar; Wind; Hybrid Energy System; Capacity Factor; WAsP; Wind Turbines; Tamil Nadu.

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