Smart Management in the Modernization of Intelligent Grid Incorporating with Distribution Generation: A Systematic Scrutiny

HONEY BABY, J. Jayakumar


The fascination about the smart grid technology worldwide depicts the deployment of smart management in grid monitoring and protection. A probe into a plethora of challenges about the smart organization of grid explored in this paper. A ground level review about the incooperation of distributed resources with smart protection in demand response and demand side management enhanced the performance of the grid infrastructure. The adequate support of the information technology provides incessant monitoring for grid control and protection. This survey comprehensively examined various research proposals on the environmental, technical and economical remuneration of distribution generation incorporation like stability, reliability, cost analysis and green energy optimization. These benefits result from the smart management of each renewable distribution generation elements. This paper also reviews the current technologies for the grid incorporation with distribution generation.       


Smart Grid; Metering Infrastructure; Smart Control; energy; green energy Demand Side Management; Distributed Energy Resources.

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