Energy Recovery Potential from Municipal Solid Waste in Rajshahi City by Landfill Technique

Barun Kumar Das, Md. Abdul Kader, S. M. Najmul Hoque


The underprivileged management of MSW is a growing problem in most cities and small urban communities in Bangladesh. Wsate collection effeciency of Rajshahi city of Bangladesh is not so significant and majority of waste is dumped in the open space. Landfill gas is generated naturally due to the bacterial effect of organic material contained in MSW landfills. Uncontrolled MSW landfills emit methane gas which 21 times potential than the CO2 gas which is one of the major contributors to the green house gas (GHG) and ozone layer depletion. In contrast of, if the MSW can mange in the systematic way that could be a potential source of electricity generation in our country. This study investigates the generation, characteristics, management of municipal solid waste in Rajshahi City and energy generation by landfill technique. The study suggests that total 7549 ton of CH4 per year generated from landfill. The energy potential from the landfill gas estimated around 5.3MWe.


Landfill gas, waste-to-energy, CH4 emission, GHG, electricity generation.

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