Effect of Geometric Differences Impeller Blades on Performance Blower as Turbine (BAT) on Pico-Hydro Scale

Asep Neris Bachtiar, Ahmad Fauzi Pohan, Riko Ervil, Nofriadiman Nofriadiman, Santosa Santosa, Isril Berd, Uyung Gatot S Dinata


The classification of centrifugal blowers is determined by the geometry of the angle when water leaves the outer side of the impeller blade (?), namely ? > 900, ? = 900, and ? < 900. If the blower is used as a turbine (BAT), then the blower with an angle ? > 900 has characteristics which is relatively the same as the francis turbine impeller blades, but the blower type ? > 900 is rarely sold in the market, which is widely sold in the market is the blower with angle ? < 900. The performance of BAT ? < 900 can be improved by changing or modifying the geometry of the angle ? to BAT ? = 900 and BAT ? > 900. The aim of this study was to analyze the performance of BAT ? = 900 and BAT ? > 900 and compare them with the original BAT (? < 900). The research method is an experiment, the results of testing and analysis prove that differences in the geometry of BAT impeller blades have an effect on BAT performance. BAT ? > 900 produced better efficiency compared to the straight blade BAT (BAT ? = 900) and the original blade BAT (BAT ? < 900), namely 69.42 % compared to 59.10 % and 50.90 %. The starting discharge ratio is getting smaller, namely 0.22 compared to 0.27 and 0.30. This shows that BAT ? > 900 is more responsive in generating power


Centrifugal blowers; blower as turbine; BAT; turbine; pyco-hydro

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v11i3.11943.g8243


Online ISSN: 1309-0127

Publisher: Gazi University

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