H5-ZVR Single-Phase Grid-Tied Inverters for Photovoltaic Application

K Geetha, B V Sreenivasappa


The majority of companies are shifting to renewable energy sources as non-renewable fuels are increasingly depleting. Solar energy is a dependable form of green energy. The solar energy after converting to AC through an inverter it is possible to inject into the grid to support distributed power generation system. Transformerless grid-tied inverters have become popular due to their lightweight and reduced cost. The leakage current does exist in this kind of inverter that deteriorate the performance of the inverter. This paper presents a novel H5-ZVR, H5-ZVRD and H5-ZVRS topologies to address the leakage current issue. These inverters take the benefit of hybrid technology, where H5 inverters are integrated with HB-ZVR topologies. To operate the inverter at its highest performance an appropriate hybrid pulse width modulation is also presented. The inverters are simulated in MATLAB to verify the operation and it is found that the leakage current of the inverters is considerably reduced as compared to HB-ZVR topologies. The leakage current of H5-ZVR, H5-ZVRD and H5-ZVRS are found to be 10 mA, 7.3 mA and 7.3 mA respectively and THD of these modules are 1.03%, 0.91% and 0.91% respectively. Also, the topologies present good common mode and differential mode characteristics.


Grid-Tied, Single-Phase, Neutral Point Clamping, Leakage Current, Full bridge, Transformerless, Total harmonic distortion, Photovoltaic,

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v11i3.12151.g8249


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