A New Design of IoT-Based Network Architecture for Monitoring and Controlling Power Consumption in Distribution Grids

Ngo Minh Khoa, Le Van Dai, Nguyen An Toan, Doan Duc Tung


Nowadays, the electric power sector is accomplishing many essential improvements on power networks to respond to power supply reliability and energy consumption demand as well as to exploit effectively distributed generators integrated into the networks. The smart grid, a new modern solution for future power networks, uses digital technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions to intelligently respond and adapt to changes in the power networks. This paper develops a new design of IoT-based network architecture applied for measuring, monitoring, and controlling substations on low-voltage distribution networks. In this proposed system, transmitting and receiving measurement data from the substations is based on the IoT platform via the LoRaWAN and WiFi communication technologies. This aims to increase the reliability and accuracy of the communication system. Once access permissions for the system are established, network operators and managers can easily monitor all electrical measurement parameters and control circuit breakers at the substations using smartphones or personal computers. The obtained experimental results in this paper show that the proposed system is a low-cost and feasible design for applying to future power networks.


low-voltage distribution network; Thingsboard platform; IoT technology; monitoring and controlling; LoRa communication

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v11i3.12337.g8293


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