A Comprehensve Review on the Modern Power System Reliability Assessment



A power system is highly susceptible to system irregularities such as control failure, security system failure, instabilities and inadvertent human errors. Ensuring the reliability of the power system is vital for assuring the quality of the power supply by taking definite steps to safeguard against probable events that involve an element of risk. The application of reliability assessment techniques helps to guarantee reliability, thereby contributing to the better performance of the power system. The key objective of the reliability study is to predict and associate reliability indices for various reliability progress initiatives for network configurations. This comprehensive review presents the significance of reliability, reliability indices, various reliability methodologies, and supporting literature.


Reliability methodologies, System failure, Assessment Techniques, Reliability indices, Power quality.

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v11i4.12480.g8326


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