Electric Vehicle Motor, Converter, Controller and charging station with challenges and Configurations: Review
Electric vehicles (EVs) are an emerging technology that enhances the ecology and environmental respect around the world through the automobile industry. The impact of electric vehicles mainly depends upon the efficient output of batteries and power converters. Converters and controllers used in the EVs have many drawbacks such as large switching loss, reduced dynamic response, increased current stress, and a larger number of components. The effectiveness of controllers, converters, and motors should be necessary to achieve reliable output power from the storage systems. Therefore it is necessary to choose the appropriate converter, controller, and motor to get efficient output. This review paper explores different types of converters, power controllers, EV motors, and charging stations with its advantage and disadvantage. A comparison was made on various types of Electric vehicles, power converters, EV controllers, charging stations, and motor with their commercial demand. Finally, this review article explores the challenges and gives suggestions for future electric vehicle development and application.
Keywords: Electric Vehicle, DC-DC Converter, Controllers, Modulation Techniques, Solar Charging Station, EV Motors.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i1.12703.g8430
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