Three-phase Grid Connected Modular-Multilevel Converter Fed by Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell

Murthy Priya, P Ponnambalam


Modular-Multilevel Converter (M-MC) is an effective method of integrating Non-conventional energy sources with grid electricity. In the current scenario, fuel cells have been made the best choice by providing a constant voltage and current density with constant load draw in the field of distributed energy sources. A power converter can be used to adjust the fuel cell output voltage to compensate for expected power spikes or meet the load requirements. This paper provides the first attempt to examine the impact of M-MC system behavior on the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC). The proposed PEMFC-based grid-connected M-MC control method is evaluated. A decoupling controller is used to ensure the interfaced system's stability of M-MC. An analysis is carried out for the grid-connected M-MC for the PEMFC system to mitigate the harmonics. The result shows that the capacitor voltages in the Sub Module (SM) are balanced, with a peak voltage ripple of 12.5% from the DC bus voltage regulation. The harmonics of the circulating current have a peak value of about 30% of the peak arm current. As a result, a pure sinusoidal arm current waveform is obtained as the distortion is mitigated. To accomplish independent active power distribution, an effective control system for active power extraction and voltage distribution is designed. The performance of the proposed system for 6kW PEMFC at different operating temperatures is tested using the hardware in the loop (HIL) simulation with the help of real-time simulator OP5700 to verify the feasibility.


Modular-Multilevel Converter (M-MC); Sub-Module (SM) capacitor voltage; arm current and circulating current control; Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC).

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