Critical Review on and Analysis of Solar Powered Electric Vehicle Charging Station.

Geetha Palani Kannan, S. Usha


Electric vehicles (EV) are the future medium of transportation system due to the heightening of conventional fuel costs of petrol or diesel-based vehicles. Hence the energy demand will be higher when EVs are brought into the public transportation system. In this review paper, the solar-powered charging station for an electric vehicle is evaluated by tilting the solar panel at a different angle, then the maximum efficiency and power that can be obtained from the solar light depending on the wavelength of the sunlight are analyzed. Photovoltaic (PV) panels can be able to charge electric vehicles (EVs) sustainably. Then using the solar potential in office buildings for EV charging at work, as well as it takes the long parking time at work, open the route for the deployment of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology. Various types of system architectures for an EV-PV charger are researched and compared in this paper. A comparison of power converters that integrate the EV and PV for V2G operation is done and based mainly on the system architecture, converter topology, isolation, and bidirectional power capability. The fundamental terminologies of charging stations, such as charging station types and levels, are reviewed in this paper. To tackle these issues, a variety of technologies are reviewed, as well as a brief overview of lithium-ion type battery for charging methodologies and the Battery Management energy System (BMS). The advantages of the EV over fuel vehicles have been outlined and the impact of the coil design and coil detection system for EV is also discussed here. Prospects and challenges involved in recent technologies for efficient systems in wireless charging systems are also emphasized in this article.


Electric vehicle (EV), Electric vehicle charging, wireless power transmission, Battery, Solar panels, Battery Energy Storage System, converters, Coil design.

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