A brief study on the influence of the index of revolution on the performance of Gorlov Helical Turbine
- Gorlov Helical Turbine is a helical bladed vertical axis hydrokinetic turbine generally employed to generate energy from the low-velocity currents of perennial/tidal sources. This study aims to determine the performance of NACA 4412 bladed GHTs by varying the helical blades' index of revolution. Nine turbine models with diameters of 0.6 m and heights of 0.6 m were designed with different indexes of revolution and then subjected to computational simulation. Simulation results indicate that the output power generated by the best configuration (index of revolution =0.25, P= 0.951 W) is consistent with the values derived using the analytical formula (index of revolution =0.25, P=1.11 W).). The research findings suggest that the turbine with 0.25 as the index of revolution is the best among the class. Following the earlier research findings, the helical and overlap angle corresponding to this configuration were 600 and 900, respectively. A model with 0.25 as the index of revolution was fabricated and tested at a river creek. The results were found to agree with the simulations accounting for the losses. The study's findings could promote the installation of hydrokinetic turbines in river creeks, hence enhancing SHP grid capacity in India.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i2.12880.g8468
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