Study and Hardware Implementation of Floating Multiphase Boost Converter for Fuel Cell Electrical Vehicle

Slah Farhani, EL Manaa Barhaoumi, Faouzi Bacha, Abdeslem Djerdir


The aim of this paper is the modeling and the implementation of a floating interleaved boost converter for proton exchange membrane fuel cell vehicle application. In a similar vein, the fuel cell vehicle represents a credible solution for electrical transportation. To rise the voltage generated by the fuel cell to a suitable voltage required by the electrical motor, the boost converter represents a competitive technical solution. Furthermore, the interleaved boost converter allows the reduction of the voltage ripples and the increase in the fuel cell life time. The floating structure has the highest voltage gain and efficiency compared to other boost converters.  Floating interleaved boost converter is a reassuring structure of the boost converters to interface the fuel cell with continues bus in a combined power train. The current paper mainly focuses on the development of fuel cell power converters applications through the enhancement of the voltage gain and efficiency. This converter proves its efficiency at the level of reducing ripple input current as well as maintaining high voltage gain and low voltage ripple. Eventually, the performances of the proposed converter evaluate using an experimental prototype. The experimental results show the ability of the converter to reduce the input current ripple for different power range and reduce the current stress and power loss of different components.


electrical engineering, renewable energy, Hydrogen energy, DC-DC converter

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