Investigation of Zone and Type of Scaling Based on the Fluid Flow Pattern in the Geothermal Well “X” at the Salak Geothermal Field - Indonesia

Akhmad Sofyan, János Szanyi, Hari Sumantri Aka


Well "X" is one of the geothermal production wells, which produces two-phase fluids which are steam and brine. The pressure of fluid flow from the reservoir to the surface can decrease, so the fluid flow patterns can change. Determination of the flow pattern is very necessary to estimate the depth of the flashing zone where the condition of steam escapes from liquid and it can cause the scale precipitation which can be a major issue in the decline of the production rate. Concerning that, a continuous pressure drop will cause a slug flow and it will cause the fluid flow to become turbulent (irregular). The main goals of the current research were to identify the fluid flow pattern, to estimate the scaling accumulation zone, and to determine the scaling type in the well. The current research can be used as a guide to decide what steps should be taken to avoid and eliminate scaling problems. The fluid flow pattern was determined using the Hewitt-Robert method. The scaling accumulation zone was estimated by using the PTS (pressure, temperature, and spinner) survey data. The scaling type was determined through chemical analysis of the scaling rock collected from the wellbore. The obtained results indicated that the fluid flow pattern conformed to the annular flow category as established through the Hewitt-Robert method. In addition, the flashing zone was estimated at a depth of 4500 ft from a total depth up to 5000 ft. Based on the scaling rock mineral analysis results, it was validated that the scaling type was amorphous silica.


Annular flow; Casing; Flashing Zone; Flow Pattern; Geothermal; Production

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