Electrical Energy Conservation through Human Behavior Change: Perspective in Bangladesh

Imran Khan, Pobitra Kumar Halder


All the existing energy sources have environmental, social and economic impacts. The greenhouse effect which results global warming, air pollution, and energy security have led to increasing interest and more development in energy conservation. Electrical energy conservation is one of them. In this research, critical electrical energy situation in one of the developing countries in the world-Bangladesh was considered in general. It is possible to serve maximum number of electrical energy consumers by maintaining proper use of the electrical energy. During hot summer the electrical power shortage is about 1000 MW to 1500 MW each year. If energy conservation is achieved through human behavior change, around 390 GWh of electrical energy per month and 4,683 GWh per year can be saved in Bangladesh.  A related case study is conducted for this research. It is possible to save the electrical energy through behavior change from 3% to 20%.


Energy efficiency; Human behavior change; Conservation of electrical energy

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v6i1.3030.g6758


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