Review of Coupled Two and Three Phase Interleaved Boost Converter (IBC) and Investigation of Four Phase IBC for Renewable Application

SUDHA RAMASAMY, Abishri P., Umashankar S


As the power level of a power electronic converter is limited due to several factors and the increase in current causes an increase in stress on switching devices. Besides, the diode reverse recovery current and parasitic resonance current become greater than the main switch can handle, and hence, the size of the boost inductor should be increased to avoid saturation and overheating problems. In order to advance the power level significantly the methods, including device paralleling, module paralleling and interleaving are widely utilized. For some applications, boost stages are designed modularly such that the converter stages can be connected in parallel to meet the increasing power requirement. This method is preferable as it is easy to increase thepower rating by simply stacking converters with increased redundancy. The drawbacks of the method are; it relatively costs high, large volume covered, and cooling difficulties. Furthermore, to provide equal sharing of input current among the converters, additional circuitry should be utilized and the currents of individual converters do not return properly, current of one module can circulate through other module and some unexpected failures may occur. This paper reviews the ripple input current and output voltage of two and three phase and investigates the Performance of four phase IBC.


Renewable Energy Systems; Solar Photo Voltaic; Wind Turbine Generator Artificial Neural Network; Phase Shift Modulation; Interleaved Boost Converter; Hybrid Power System

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