A Comprehensive Review on Wind Energy Systems for Electric Power Generation: Current Situation and Improved Technologies to Realize Future Development

Devashish Jha


In recent years, interest has risen in renewable energy (RE) sources particularly wind energy for the generation of electricity. The researchers have made several attempt to find the solution for effective utilization of wind energy.  Following the consequence of comprehensive study and extensive research on the topic, wind energy has vastly exploited renewable energy source to produce electricity. The main challenge for wind energy conversion is to cope with erratic nature of wind. The paper seeks to present a review of wind energy conversion system (WECS), highlighting its electrical and control aspects, including short notes on aerodynamics and mechanical features. Capacity of wind power installation of world including India is shown and discussed. The paper investigates the latest associated technology with wind electrical system and future research direction.  


Wind energy conversion, Power converters, Pitch control, Maximum power point tracking, Energy storage, Machine/Grid side converter

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v7i4.6264.g7219


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Publisher: Gazi University

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