Energy Resource Management Integrating Generation, Load Control and Change in Consumption Habits at the Residential Level
This paper presents the design and development of a scenario where the residential user is involved, with three fundamental elements such as home energy management systems (HEMS), photovoltaic (PV) systems and efficient behavior by means of changes in consumption habits. The objective is to analyze its impact on the household electricity conservation through programs focused on active demand side management (ADSM). The proposed scenario starts from incentives arisen from changes in consumption habits of all the load by 30%, the control of automatic loads and energy self-generation in two different locations in Colombia: Bogota and Cajica. As a result, a monthly reduction of 35.49% is observed in relation to the habitual consumption when the user modifies his habits of using energy in his residence.
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Online ISSN: 1309-0127
Publisher: Gazi University
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