A State of Art Review on Offshore Wind Power Transmission Using Low Frequency AC System
Offshore wind power generation, transmission and integration around the world are becoming higher, and it provides technical and economic challenges for future practitioners and industries to make an alternative transmission system to an existing system in reduction of cost. In most of countries, e.g. The German government planned to install 25000MW of offshore wind farms by 2030. The greater part of offshore wind farms are integrated with High Voltage AC (HVAC) transmission to the onshore grid. Offshore wind farms are integrated with High Voltage DC (HVDC) transmission for long distances (>50km) to the grid because of capacitive cable current in HVAC. The major challenge in HVDC transmission is the installation, operation and maintenance (O&M) of the Voltage Sourced Converter (VSC) HVDC substation in the offshore climate. Currently, in case offshore wind farm the research have been fastened to reduce the complexity with increasing reliability and minimizing cost.
This paper gives a comprehensive review of integration of offshore wind farm via Low Frequency AC or Fractional Frequency AC (LFAC or FFAC) transmission. LFAC transmission is adopted from HVAC and it is operated at one third of nominal frequency (16.67 Hz). As compared to HVDC the main advantage of LFAC is an absence of the offshore converter station, hence system complexity and cost reduced. In design considerations, especially the offshore transformer is one of the challenges. This paper presents a comprehensive review on components and its design considerations of offshore novel LFAC transmission. The offshore wind turbine considerations, collector network and different types of onshore frequency converters explained in detail.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v8i1.6641.g7344
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